Donations to PROP are matched March 1-April 6
The Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign brings together organizations, businesses, faith communities, and individuals to help keep 300 food shelves statewide stocked throughout the year. During the campaign all financial gifts to PROP in Eden Prairie will be proportionally matched! GIVE HERE
Collecting supplies through Easter Sunday, April 20th
When natural disasters strike or war drives families from their homes, our hearts ache with compassion, but we don’t know how to help. Making Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits is a tangible way to offer comfort to those suffering and express love to our neighbors in need. During the season of Lent we will be collecting the following supplies for personal care kits:
Supplies can be placed in the sorting bins in the atrium and will be collected through Easter Sunday, April 20th. Watch for information on how to volunteer and assemble kits!
Are you a Thrivent member?
Don't forget to apply for your action grants! Funds can be used to purchase care kit items.
NEXT WORK DAY: Saturday, March 29, 2025, 8:30am-3:30pm in Prior Lake (REGISTER)
Choose from ONE of the following jobs:
No experience required. Minimum age 16 for construction volunteers. Not only do we build a home, we build community, putting our faith into action. Come join us and help make the dream of home ownership a reality.
Questions? Contact Ruth Lunde or Lynn Swanson at 952.974.1689.
Humanitarian relief to the most vulnerable of God’s children
If you can do basic sewing, we have a perfect project for you! Pillowcase dresses, made by volunteers from around the world, go out as little ambassadors to plant in the hearts of little girls that they are worthy. As relationships are built, projects are completed through clean water, education and community. Premade kits are available to make six pillowcase dresses. Pick up a kit in the atrium at Immanuel. Donations of pillowcases, rickrack, bias tape and thread are also welcome. For more information contact Ilene McCluskey 952-941-8471.
Tuesday, April 15, 4-6:30pm
Join our partners at Salem Lutheran Church, Minneapolis in preparing a meal for the North Minneapolis community! Volunteers will help with food prep alongside volunteers from Salem Lutheran Church and will help with serving meals to-go style from the church parking lot. It’s a great chance for fellowship and service! REGISTER
Update from the Service & Justice Committee
We, your Immanuel Service & Justice Team, share your concerns about our neighbors who are immigrants. We are following our partners’ leads and accompanying them in short- and long-term efforts they indicate are useful. Please call Immanuel’s office (952-937-8123) to volunteer as a notary, lawyer (especially with immigration experience), Spanish-speaker and/or copying assistant. We also anticipate fundraising events with our partners. The Team also is using guidance and resources from:
We will update you as we receive additional information. If you know someone who is seeking immigration information, please contact us. You can help by supporting local businesses, including restaurants, owned and/or operated by folks who are immigrants. They may be struggling because their usual customers are staying home out of fear.
In recent weeks, our synod office has received requests for resources and information about immigration, ICE enforcement, and support for immigrant communities. They have compiled a webpage in English and Espanol with pastoral messages, trainings, resources, articles, and other helpful links related to the recent executive orders and the impact they have on those in our communities. If you have resources to share, please send to Nicholas Tangen.
During the past year the ELCA has initiated the “Truth & Healing Movement” as an intentional opportunity for the church to increase it’s understanding of our colonizing impacts on Indigenous people in the past and present. The movement is focused on providing opportunities to learn the true, and largely ignored, history and current realities of Indigenous people with the hope that by listening and learning, these truths will bring healing for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike.
At Immanuel, we have decided to start a group committed to this work within our own context here in Eden Prairie and in Minnesota. We will be meeting monthly over the course of the next 9-12 months to learn together and to form our own action plans for how we might be better neighbors- following the guidance of Native Governance Center. Learn more!
We know your life is busy but we also know you have a heart for helping others. We can help! Immanuel often has opportunities to assist with projects that require a very limited time commitment. Consider joining our On-Call Servant email list! When a need arises we will send an email and if you are available to help, let us know. It's that easy! Send an email to MaryKay in the office and you will be added to the distribution list.
Support our partner Redeemer Lutheran as they help with a food shelf in their neighborhood. Donations ofbaby wipes and diapers of all sizes are needed - these items are in high demand for families accessing food shelves. Volunteers are needed to deliver diapers to N. Minneapolis the first Saturday of the month.
Community Registry
Housing Justice
Caring Ministries
Cleanup Day - Fall
Cristo Obrero
Disciples’ Garden
Dresses for Africa
ELCA World Hunger
Loaves & Fishes
Humanity Alliance
Lutheran Social Services
Lutheran World Relief
Mobile Dental Clinic
Prayer Shawls & Quilts
Racial Justice
Refugee Circle of Welcome
Simpson Housing
Tech Teams
World Bicycle Relief
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.