Sunday, December 15, 9 a.m.
The children of Immanuel go on the Quest to the King! Following the Magi on their journey to find Jesus, we all will discover what it means to find Jesus and celebrate his birth. This worship features student speakers, instrumentalists, and choirs.
Preparations for Child-Led Advent worship will take place during Sunday School and God Squad at 9am on November 17, 24, and December 8. All students will spend time practicing some music, those who are reading will rehearse their parts, and mixed groups will go through Advent stations! We are asking those who normally attend 10:30am Sunday School to join us on those days to prepare for our shared worship on the 15th. No separate 10:30am Sunday School will be held on November 17, 24, and December 8.
If your student(s) would like to be a reader or a featured musician, please sign them up below!
During Sunday School we will film students' responses to various questions on their Quest to the King.
Advent at Home | Advent Daily Bible Reading | Advent Prayers | Advent Wreaths
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