Stepping Stones are intentional times when caregivers and their children gather to be equipped to grow in faith together and to grow in faith habits that can be used at home. This is a ministry that supports Immanuel families to live out their faith in their homes. We invite parents and child to gather for Stepping Stones each year (most include a multi-week caregiver and child series which culminates with a blessing before the congregation). Each Stepping Stone takes the place of your child's Sunday School/God Squad that week. NEW THIS YEAR! Combined Stepping Stones Rotation for 1st/2nd grade and 3rd/4th grade. Please read below for dates and content!
*If you normally attend 10:30 Sunday School, please note that Stepping Stones takes place at 9am only. I know that this is a change in schedule for you, but it is a way that we can get the whole grade together at one time. This way you can get to know other families with children of similar ages! If you have other children, they are encouraged to attend Sunday School during that time, and the nursery will be open.
Stepping Stones supports, encourages and equips families to live out their faith in their homes. A couple tools to assist you with growing faith in your home:
September 22 - 9 a.m.
Blessing at Welcome Worship on September 8!
Kindergarteners and their parents will learn about the story of The Greatest Commandment, who is our neighbor, and how we can show love for our neighbors. They will also recieve a Spark Story Bible and decorate a Bible bag.
Contact for more information.
October 27, November 3 - 9 a.m.
What is prayer? Is it a magic wand we wave in front of God to get God to turn events and situations to our advantage? Is it simply a conversation? Is it worship? Why, when and how can we talk to God? Jesus gave us a guide in Matthew 6, what we now call The Lord’s Prayer.
In this series we will help children to understand the concepts embedded in the Lord’s Prayer: the holiness of God, God’s provision, the importance of forgiving as well as being forgiven, and so on. We will learn about prayer through experiential learning and parent-child interaction.
Blessing: There will be a blessing of students and caregivers at the end of the Stepping Stone in worship on Sunday, November 3.
Contact for more information.
September 29, October 6, October 13 - 9 a.m.
Blessing at Welcome Worship on September 8!
This series introduces the New Testament with an overview of the stories, highlighting key Bible verses, participating in active learning and activities with caregivers, other students and at table groups.
Please have your child’s Bible (and Bible highlighter) with you! (Let us know if you don't have a Bible or highlighter).
Contact for more information.
This series aims to introduce students to the Bible and answer some questions like: Who wrote the Bible? When was the Bible written? How can I use the Bible? How do I find stuff in the Bible? The students will use their Bible with parents at each of the sessions - Please have your child’s Bible (and Bible highlighter) with you! (Let us know if you don't have a Bible or highlighter).
We invite and encourage 5th graders and parent(s), to join us for the Celebration of Communion which builds on prior learning and takes children deeper into the meaning of The Lord's Supper. Details on the Celebration of Communion page.
Contact for more information.
April 9, 6:00 p.m., April 16 and 23, 6:15pm in Luther Hall
Blessing: There will be a blessing of students and caregivers during the Lenten worship on Wednesday, April 9.
These sessions will help students and parents claim the Apostles' Creed as their own, introduce students and parents to Confirmation ministry, and give them tools for home-centered faith practices that express belief in God in daily life. Participants will be involved in active learning, with interaction between parent and child, small group discussion and a variety of activities. Students will create a Give Jar (for use at home). Please bring your Bible with you!
Contact for more information.
Community Registry
Housing Justice
Caring Ministries
Cleanup Day - Fall
Cristo Obrero
Disciples’ Garden
Dresses for Africa
ELCA World Hunger
Loaves & Fishes
Humanity Alliance
Lutheran Social Services
Lutheran World Relief
Mobile Dental Clinic
Prayer Shawls & Quilts
Racial Justice
Refugee Circle of Welcome
Simpson Housing
Tech Teams
World Bicycle Relief
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.