You are welcome here! You are welcome to share in God’s love and grace. You are welcome no matter your race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, or relationship status. You are welcome without regard to physical or mental health, addictions, past mistakes, or socio-economic circumstances, political opinions or anything that divides us. We welcome you because our unity is in Christ. All are welcome! No exceptions!
We live out faith together! We gather to connect, recharge, support and encourage one another.
The 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. services will be livestreamed.
Whichever worship service you attend, the good news of Jesus Christ will be proclaimed and you will share in the blessing of being with God and with God’s people as we come together to celebrate God’s gifts, grow in faith, and serve in love!
At Immanuel we believe that Christian community is an important part of our faith journey. Find an opportunity to connect and learn this program year:
Our next New Member Gathering will be Thursday, March 20, 2025, 7:00pm at Pastor Paul's home in Eden Prairie. This is an informal time to learn more about Immanuel as you consider joining our community of faith. Light snacks will be provided and children are welcomed! Register HERE.
Community Registry
Housing Justice
Caring Ministries
Cleanup Day - Fall
Cristo Obrero
Disciples’ Garden
Dresses for Africa
ELCA World Hunger
Loaves & Fishes
Humanity Alliance
Lutheran Social Services
Lutheran World Relief
Mobile Dental Clinic
Prayer Shawls & Quilts
Racial Justice
Refugee Circle of Welcome
Simpson Housing
Tech Teams
World Bicycle Relief
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.