Pastor Paul Nelson is retiring from Immanuel in June 2025 after almost 30 years of ministry. We are happy for Paul and his family on the new adventures ahead! Keep our congregation and lay leadership in your prayers as we do the work of visioning and planning to welcome our next Senior Pastor. Throughout the transition process it is important that our congregational leadership communicates where we are at in the process. This page is dedicated to updates and information. If you have questions please contact Kelly Meyers and she will direct you to the appropriate committee or team.
Pastor Paul retirement announcement June 2024
Sunday, June 15, 2025
On Pastor Paul's final Sunday at Immanuel we will celebrate his ministry with one worship service at 9:00am, followed by a celebration luncheon. Watch for additional details but mark your calendars now!
The process for calling a new pastor takes time and discernment and we will be working closely with the Minneapolis Area Synod throughout the entire process. While we are fortunate to have a relatively large window of time for the congregation to work through the process of transition, there are many steps to be completed. The Executive Committee, along with the full Council, are working to identify the steps in the process and potential timing, knowing that we need to ensure that the congregation’s voice is heard and that we take the time to consider what is important for Immanuel and the broader community that we serve. The following are actions currently being taken:
The main focus of the Transition Team is completing the Ministry Site Profile, attending to the needs of the congregation and church staff during the process of pastoral transition, and coordinating communication with the congregation and staff on transition progress and call committee activities. Thank you to the following Immanuel Members for their work on this important step in the call process for a new Senior Pastor. Please feel to reach out to any member with questions.
Work continues as part of the senior pastor transition process. The Ministry Site Profile has been completed and was approved by the Church Council at the February meeting. Thanks to all of you that provided input throughout the process. The Transition Team will have a further update for you in the next couple of weeks so look for more information shortly.
As previously mentioned, the Transition Team has been developing the draft Senior Pastor Ministry Site Profile (MSP) using the information gathered during the input sessions along with other key information about Immanuel. We are providing MSP for your review prior to the Annual Meeting on January 26th. Text sections as substantially complete but some items, such as references and call committee chair, are still be finalized so you will note TBDs in those areas.
If you have questions or comments, please bring those to the Annual meeting or reach out to myself or any of the Transition Team members. It is our plan to finalize the MSP by early to mid-February. Please continue to keep the Transition team and Immanuel in your prayers during this time of transition. - Julie Maes, Council Vice-President
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with friends and families and that 2025 is off to a good start! Here is a quick update on Transition Team activities:
We have closed the senior pastor transition input phase of our work. We determined the themes from the input received and asked the congregation to vote on their top priority for the senior pastor as well as the top priority for staff and lay leaders (working with the senior pastor) on December 22-23. We received 144 surveys from the online tool and the bulletin insert. The results are as follows:
The Transition Team has utilized this information as well as the detailed input from the congregation and community leaders in drafting the Senior Pastor Ministry Site Profile (MSP). We have developed the MSP content and are working on final wording. We still plan to have it available for your review prior to the annual meeting. Stay tuned for updates!
Thank you for all the input as well as your comments concerning the work the Transition Team is doing. Please continue to pray for patience, guidance, and clarity as we work through this transition. - Julie Maes, Council Vice-President
Julie Maes offered an update on the work of the Transition Team on Sunday, December 1. You can read her update HERE.
Call Committee - The group is appointed by the Executive Committee and installed at a worship service. Their job begins after the Transition Team has completed our Ministry Site Profile. This group will solicit candidate nominations from the congregation, review candidates provided by the Minneapolis Area Synod, and conduct interviews of candidates. The interview process often includes multiple interviews and, if the committee wishes to pursue a candidate further, a worship visit at their current congregation to hear them preach. Once the call committee reaches a consensus on a final candidate, they submit their recommendation to the Council President. A decision to offer a call to a candidate is voted on by the congregation at a special congregational meeting.
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