There's a place for you to make a difference with our children! Volunteers are essential for safe and effective children's ministry, as volunteers provide caring relationships for our children to grow in faith.
There are many different ways and levels of commitment for serving with our children’s ministry, the largest need for volunteers being with our Sunday School programs. We encourage caregivers to volunteer at least one Sunday per year to help keep our program running smoothly. See below for more details on the ways you can serve. Anyone in 7th grade or older can be volunteers with the Children's Ministry!
9:00am: Large Group (Prek-4th grade) gathering in Luther Hall. A few songs, practice worship elements, introduce the story- led by Grace.
9:15am: Move to small groups (grouped by age) in classrooms- led by gardeners and helpers. Lesson and materials are provided and set up for you, which means minimal prep is required! Lesson consists of reading a Bible Story, questions and conversation concerning the story, a craft or game, and prayer. Example lesson.
9:45am: Caregivers pick up students from classrooms!
10:30am: Large Group (Prek-6th grade) gathering in Luther Hall. A few songs, practice worship elements, introduce the story- led by Grace.
10:45am: Move to small groups (mixed age) in classrooms- led by Grace, gardeners, and helpers. Lesson and materials are provided and set up for you, which means minimal prep is required! Lesson consists of reading a Bible Story, questions and conversation concerning the story, a craft or game, and prayer. Example lesson.
11:15am: Caregivers pick up students from classrooms!
Call or email Grace,, to talk more about getting involved!
3 Sundays a month (or less), 45 minutes-1 hour each Sunday
1-2 Sundays a month, 45 minutes-1 hour on a Sunday
3 Sundays a month (or less), 45 minutes-1 hour on a Sunday
1 Sunday a month (for all OSS or just one!), 45 minutes-1 hour on the One Story Sunday
As Needed, 45 minutes-1 hour on a Sunday
Once a week, 45 minutes- 1 hour
3 Sundays a month (or less), 45 minutes-1 hour on a Sunday
Meet once a quarter, about 1 hour
Community Registry
Housing Justice
Caring Ministries
Cleanup Day - Fall
Cristo Obrero
Disciples’ Garden
Dresses for Africa
ELCA World Hunger
Loaves & Fishes
Humanity Alliance
Lutheran Social Services
Lutheran World Relief
Mobile Dental Clinic
Prayer Shawls & Quilts
Racial Justice
Refugee Circle of Welcome
Simpson Housing
Tech Teams
World Bicycle Relief
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.