Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests
Immanuel is a praying community as we seek the love, grace, power and presence of God in our hearts, lives, community and world.
Care Team
If you, or someone you know, is in need of pastoral care through a difficult or challenging time please submit a Caring Ministry Request so our Care Team (Pastor Paul, Deacon Savannah, Parish Nurse Kari and MaryKay) will be notifed.
Please Pray for the Following
- John Clark, surgery 11/29. Prayers for healing.
- Angela Hass, friend of Kristin Hamilton, cancer. Prayers for healing.
- Nathan Bochet, grandson of Coleen Morehouse, bladder cancer. Prayers for healing.
- Jorden Brown, granddaughter of Glenn & Sue Keller, papillary thyroid cancer. Prayers for strength, courage and successful surgery.
- Gary Engler, father of Jolene Engler receiving new kidney . Pray for successful surgery and his donor.
- All those suffering with serious illnesses. Prayers for comfort and healing.
- MaryBeth Lassman, late-stage kidney disease. Prayers for strength in adjusting to life changes.
- For all those that are homeless. Prayers for comfort and shelter in cold weather.
- Shannon, friend of Karen Simpson diagnosed with breast cancer. Prayers for strength.
- Our new administration. Prayers for wisdom and understanding.
- Jerry Steelman, hospice. Prayers for comfort.
- Pat Middeke, prayers for continued healing.
- Laurie Fetterman, mother of Katrina Stern, cancer treatment. Prayers for comfort and healing.
- Nick Eichman, deployed to the Middle East. Prayers for safety for all 550 deployed.
Flowers in the church this week are given in thanks to God by:
- .Rick & Frona Ites in celebration of their 55th wedding anniversary.