Zimbelstern Dedication



    in Memory of Douglas Lobdell

Doug wrote in 2017, “Life changing ministry happens in many ways at Immanuel and our music ministry is a wonderful example.  We believe that through our dedication to excellence in preparation and presentation of our music in worship, we open the windows of the souls of the musicians and the listeners to receive the word of God and enter into Christ’s presence fully.”




To celebrate the commitment of time and talent by so many gifted musicians Doug’s family has gifted a Zimbelstern to Immanuel Lutheran Church.   The Zimbelstern, also spelled Cymbelstern, is a musical instrument that randomly rings small bells to accompany organ music. The hand-crafted instrument was built to meet our unique needs and consists of five bell pitches: C7, D7, F7, G7, A7. It has adjustable delay, speed, and volume, as well as an extended random sounding pattern.  We hope that our Immanuel family will enjoy the Zimbelstern for many years to come.

“When you hear the bells, know that Doug is with us.”

Julie Hoff and Matthew Lobdell Family



Service of Dedication

Pastor Paul Nelson:  This morning, we will dedicate a new instrument that we have, that is part of our organ; a Zimbelstern.   We dedicate in memory of Doug Lobdell. Some of you knew Doug very well. I was blessed to know Doug. He was an outstanding and grace filled member of this congregation. We are glad to dedicate our Zimbelstern. Friends in Christ, Today we seek God‘s blessing as we, with thankfulness, set apart our Zimbelstern for the purpose of glorifying God and blessing this congregation in worship.  God has given us the gift of music, the psalms encourage us to make a joyful noise and sound our praise to God.

Deacon Savannah Olaphson:  
Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise God for his mighty deeds and his surpassing greatness!

Praise God with trumpet sound;
praise God with lute and harp, with tambourine and dance;
praise God with strings and pipe!

Praise God with clanging cymbals!

Let everything that breathes praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD!

Pastor Dan Nelson:  Let us pray: God of glory, we sing with joy and raise our voices in praise. We lift our voices to join the sounds and songs of heaven and earth in praise of your glory. Be with us now and bless us as we dedicate this Zimbelstern to your praise and Glory.  Enrich our worship through it’s sound and grant us grace to hear your gracious purpose in it. By your spirit may this and all instruments used in our worship enliven the proclamation of your word to the inspiration of your church, to the glory of your name and to the good of all your people, through Jesus Christ, your son, our lord, now and forever, amen.


Dedication Service September 15, 2024

I’m new



Immanuel Lutheran Church © 2023

A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.