The all-community mural was a collaborative experience that brought all ages and stages together in a profound way - painting (think "paint by numbers") a biblically themed mural on portable panels that is displayed along our sanctuary wall.
Paul Oman’s comments on sketches/design:
Left Side:
I am moving from Creation to New Creation. In this image I have included God as creator, heavens and earth, sun, moon, stars, day and night, light and darkness, waters, fish, birds, and animals, Noah’s ark, suggestions of buildings/kingdoms of this world in the distance on the right, rainbow, clouds, Adam and Eve, trees along a stream and more.
These images merge into a continuing stream/river on the right-side canvas which leads to the New Jerusalem/Holy City of God, river/water of life, tree of life planted by the waters, and indication of many people as we move to the right toward the resurrected Jesus in the distance, flowers, butterfly, and much more.
There is lots of color and light, a lamb, image of the world/nations, palm branches, people looking towards and moving towards the New Jerusalem, streets of gold, waterfalls/waters rolling down and lots of greens.
Right Side:
I have included people from various countries and times in history. The painting process incorporates all skin colors and hair colors. The stream through the desert turns into rushing waters flowing/rolling down. The crowd is crossing at one point to indicate the crossing of the Jordan River into the Promised Land. Palms show celebration.
New Jerusalem is in the clouds with vertical lines indicating the heavenly to earthly connection. Resurrected Jesus figure and three crosses stand in the pathway of all humanity as they are called forth to the New Creation.
The wall of vertical spires indicates the many gems named in Revelation as part of the description of the New Jerusalem.
Birds. Butterflies. Easter resurrection symbol. Lake (Sea of Galilee) is calm and may give thought to many of the stories in the Gospels that took place on or around this location.
People moving toward the light, Lamb, Jesus from all directions.
Sheep. Shepherds. People in robes of white standing in praise with palms.
Lots of color is incorporated providing more emotion and contrast.
Paul Oman, artist and pastor, shares his Drawn to the Word artistic ministry with audiences ecumenically across the country. He served as a science teacher, then Lutheran pastor when, in 2011, he took up work as an artistic pastor full-time.
Paul seeks to give new vision to God’s Word by using the process of painting to captivate audiences in our visually oriented culture. Painting and drawing have been a part of Paul’s life since childhood. Receiving national & international recognition for his work in watercolor, Paul uses this gift to proclaim the Gospel unique and powerful ways that impact lives and inspire mission.
Paul works in many settings, including congregations, schools, universities, seminaries, camps, prisons, non-profits, and more. The larger-than-life sized murals are painted with acrylics on stretched canvas.
Paul lives near Amery, Wisconsin with his wife, Jana, and their children.
Learn more abut Paul Oman
Community Registry
Housing Justice
Caring Ministries
Cleanup Day - Fall
Cristo Obrero
Disciples’ Garden
Dresses for Africa
ELCA World Hunger
Loaves & Fishes
Humanity Alliance
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Lutheran World Relief
Mobile Dental Clinic
Prayer Shawls & Quilts
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Refugee Circle of Welcome
Simpson Housing
Tech Teams
World Bicycle Relief
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.