The ministry of Justice involves understanding those whose life experience is different from our own.
Join the Immanuel community in monthly Justice Awareness learning suggestions so that we are better able to live out Jesus' love for our neighbor, both as a community of faith and as individuals.
Sunday, July 11, 3 - 4 p.m.
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.” Isaiah 43:2
The Ecumenical Water Initiative is hosting a family friendly, community event to share stories about water and watersheds in our lives. Join us July 11 from 3:00-4:00 pm at Redeemer Lutheran Church at 1800 Glenwood Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55405 or on Facebook live at MN Ecumenical Water Initiative as we celebrate and are refreshed by the water we all share.
We ask that you wear a mask at this event and bring your own chair if possible.
Learn more about the MN Ecumenical Water Initiative.
Questions can be directed to Madeline Troyer (
When we act interdependently and in solidarity with creation, we do justice. We serve and keep the earth, trusting its bounty can be sufficient for all, and sustainable.
Commit to one act of caring for God's creation this month! The weekly suggestions...
4/4 - Pick up trash in your neighborhood
4/11 - Stop "wish-cycling"! Contact your recycler to find out what should go in your recycling bin (every hauler is different!)
4/18 - Learn about the importance of clean water on Weds at 6:30pm via Zoom
4/25 - Plan to plant native plants in your garden which require fewer chemicals to thrive
Learn more about the work of Creation Care:
Helping our neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity is justice work. The month of March is MN Food Share month - a portion of every pound of food and cash donated to PROP is proportionately matched! Learn more about Hunger in Minnesota and the MN FoodShare Campaign here.
You can continue to support our local food shelf PROP any month of the year!
Hunger Facts MINNESOTA
Read the newly published book Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America, 1619-2019. Written by 90 black authors, this history of the United States tells the stories from the perspective of the black community.
Additional Black History resources include:
Resources for children:
Parents and caregivers are encouraged to explore resources for talking with kids about racism and diversity. The conversation was moderated by Grace Porter, Immanuel member and Leader of God Squad. Grace is also an Augsburg University Student majoring in Theology and Public Leadership (with a concentration in Youth Studies) .
The video of the conversation is embedded on the right side of this page and can be watched here.
1. Listen to a 20 minute podcast: “Talking Race with Young Children”
2. Visit any of these links:
3. Choose books and toys that teach about and encourage diversity. Some suggestions are:
4. Watch movies and TV shows that do not have all-white casts, are written/directed by people of color, or feature stories from different cultures:
5. Reflect in a journal, with a partner, or with other caregivers in the congregation. Use these questions to jumpstart some thinking:
Former NFL player and current ESPN football commentator Emmanuel Acho invites us to listen in on Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man. The series of short videos includes conversations with Roger Goodell, Lindsay Vonn, a Pastor, celebrities, and real families. You are encouraged to watch at least one conversation from this series in order to grow in understanding of the issues facing our black neighbors.
Confirmation Retreat
Actions you can take this month to grow in awareness of faith and justice:
1. Watch a 60-minute Documentary: Jim Crow of the North
Are you familiar with Jim Crow Laws? They were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the southern United States. But northern states are not exempt from the long-lasting effects these laws have on people of color.Northern states also enacted laws that enforced segregation.View the PBS documentary Jim Crow of the North to learn about the history of segregation and housing in our city.
2. Read an article written by Phil Vischer of Veggie Tales fame. Phil shares his thoughts about how his family benefitted from racial segregation in housing: Racial Injustice has Benefited Me - A Confession
3. Do further research about racial covenanting and racial disparities in home ownership in the Twin Cities and Suburbs:
4. Share your story: How did your family end up in the Suburbs of the Twin Cities? Go back a few generations to discover where and how your family of origin ended up obtaining, owning and selling real estate. If you’d like to share any discoveries and “a-ha” moments send your story to . Stories will be compiled to share with others.
During the month of July Immanuel members are invited to read the book White Fragility: Why it's So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism by Robin DiAngelo and to particpate in one of the small group discussions.
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.