Worship with us
Flowers for Worship | Worship & Music Ministry | Ash Wednesday | Lent/Holy Week | Easter

Whichever worship service you attend, the good news of Jesus Christ will be proclaimed and you will share in the blessing of being with God and with God’s people as we come together to celebrate God’s gifts, grow in faith, and serve in love!
Weekend Worship at Immanuel (Sept - May)
Saturdays: 5:00 p.m Informal Traditional
Sundays: 9:00 a.m. Traditional*
Sundays: 10:30 a.m. Contemporary*
*Service livestreamed
One Story Sundays
Once a month during the program year (Sept - May), everyone in church will be reading, learning, and talking about the same story. This is an exciting way to engage in conversation on the car ride home, and in the week after. Everyone will interact with the Bible story in age-based ways with intergenerational learning aspects woven through the time of worship and learning. Details...
Summer Worship (Memorial Weekend to Labor Day Weekend)
Sundays: 9:00 a.m. Traditional*
Sundays: 10:30 a.m. Contemporary - Outdoors (June 15 - August 31, 2025)
*Service livestreamed
Welcome Weekend 2025 (Tent Sunday)
Sunday, September 7, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. (prelude begins at 8:40am)*
This festival worship kicks off our program year as we worship together as one community of faith under the big tent in our parking lot. Always of morning of amazing community, music, worship & praise. Join us!
*Service livestreamed
- We always welcome visitors to join us in worship and encourage members to leave parking spaces available for guests by car pooling as much as possible, taking advantage of street parking, parking in the Kowalski’s parking lot, just south of the church.
- Handicap parking spaces are located near the north (main door) and west entrances, where automatic doors are located.
- Handicap access: Our worship and education spaces are all located on one floor. There are no stairs. We can easily accommodate wheelchairs in our sanctuary. Ask an usher for assistance.
Holy Communion
- All children, youth and adults are welcome to come and receive forgiveness in the bread and wine - it is The Lord’s Table - and all are welcome.
- Anyone coming to The Lord’s Table with an open hand will be served Holy Communion.
- During the pandemic single serve disposable communion kits will be available for face-to-face worshippers.
- Read more about children and communion
- Holy Communion is celebrated:
- Sundays: 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
- Saturdays (Sept. - May): 5:00 p.m.
Families with Children
- Children are very welcome and encouraged to worship. More...
- A Children's Worship Center is available outside the doors to the Sanctuary. Pick-up quiet activities and adopt a pet for worship!
- A nursery is available for children under 3. More...
- A room dedicated for nursing mothers is available off the nursery. More...
- Worship Together Sundays: Once a month - Family Worship. Worship together as a family. While we encourage our Sunday School children to worship with their families each week, in addition to attending Sunday School, this is not always possible, so we support families who want to worship together by not holding Sunday School on the third Sunday of the month.
- Sunday School is available to children age 3 through Grade 4 and God Squad for grades 5 & 6 at both the 9:00 & 10:30am services More...
Other services to assist you with worship
- Hearing devices are available at the Welcome Desk.