Home Altars

What is a Home Altar?

Home AltarYour Home Altar is a special place in your home that serves as a daily reminder of God's presence and as a central place, and centering place, for faith nurture in your home.

Your Home Altar can be set up on a side table, coffee table, mantle, or anywhere it is convenient and significant for your home. It should be in a central location so that it serves as a daily reminder for household members to pray, read the Bible, and faithfully share Jesus' love.

Choose a significant, uncluttered place for your Home Altar. You could set up a small cross, lay out a Bible and place a candle on your Home Altar. You could place items on your Home Altar that are significant to you, or your family's, faith journey. This could include:

Children may also develop their own "Room Altar" as they collect and display various mementos from their faith development.

Use your Home Altar as a special place to pray, have devotions and gather for family rituals and blessings!

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Immanuel Lutheran Church © 2023

A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.