Our sanctuary is beautified every week by flowers that are given in memory, in honor, or in celebration of an event or person. The flowers will either be from our supplier or the garden committee. The flowers are yours to take and enjoy after the last service of that weekend! Please bring the vase back to church for recycling. The cost of the flowers is $40 (plus $1.00 in administration fees).
*If you regularly participate in Immanuel activities and would like record of your registration, please sign up to make an account with our new program before you complete this registration! It will make all future registrations easier, and will help you keep track of your registrations through ILC.*
We are now taking orders for our beautiful Easter garden. A variety of spring plants will decorate the altar area and can be given in honor of memory of loved ones or in celebration of a special event. Cost is $15.
Community Registry
Housing Justice
Caring Ministries
Cleanup Day - Fall
Cristo Obrero
Disciples’ Garden
Dresses for Africa
ELCA World Hunger
Loaves & Fishes
Humanity Alliance
Lutheran Social Services
Lutheran World Relief
Mobile Dental Clinic
Prayer Shawls & Quilts
Racial Justice
Refugee Circle of Welcome
Simpson Housing
Tech Teams
World Bicycle Relief
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.