Savannah Olaphson

Deacon, 952-230-0357 (direct dial). 952-937-8123 ex. 57

Savannah helps Immanuel live out its vision of care and service while exploring the relationship between faith and justice.  She also preaches once/month, assists in worship leadership and and champions our Care Team.

Before moving here in 2022, she lived and attended school in Montana and Washington. It’s no surprise that she loves mountains and water, especially Flathead Valley and Glacier National Park in Montana. She also loves to travel to unfamiliar places where she can walk on new ground, build new relationships, discover new foods and immerse herself in new cultures.

Savannah got married in June 2022. Their pet cockatiel, Tuna, couldn’t be happier.

FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: hiking, backpacking, skiing, boating, cross-stitching, reading, running and playing board games.

DEGREES: Bachelor’s in Anthropology and Religion, Master of Arts in Diaconal Ministry.

FUN FACT: Savannah finds travel to be a deeply spiritual act. The topic of her capstone paper was Travel as a Living Liturgy.  She was ordained on Feb. 19, 2023.

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Immanuel Lutheran Church © 2023

A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.