Join us for worship as we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection. The good news of Easter, the new life and hope we share in Christ. Special music adds to the joy of this holy festival.
7:30 a.m. - Sunrise Service
9:00 a.m. - Traditional*
10:30 a.m. - Contemporary*
*available for livestream & on demand viewing
In-person, livestreamed and on demand
Each Holy week we journey with Jesus from brokenness to healing, despair to hope, death to new life. Join in sharing these blessings in worship, in-person or livestreamed.
On this day we celebrate Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. This begins our sacred journey through Holy Week to Easter.
On Maundy Thursday, as we remember that first celebration of Holy Communion at the last supper and we give thank for daily bread, we give thank for all the ways that God feeds us and cares for our needs.
Music and Scripture readings walk us through the darkest hour of Jesus on the Cross. Reformation Choir, guest soloist & chamber ensemble, will present a Good Friday Cantata.
No Saturday evening worship.
7:30am. - Sunrise Service
9:00am - Traditional Worship*
10:30am - Contemporary Worship*
*In-person and livestreamed
Live streamed worship and sermons are available on Immanuel's Website and Livestream page. Please see our Notice of Recording Audio/Video in our Sanctuary
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Each season of Lent calls us to make a journey of reflection and repentance. This journey invites us to be honest about our sin, repent of what we have done wrong, to consider how we can follow Christ more faithfully, and act to grow in our relationship with God, renew our commitment to live out our faith, and reconcile with those we have sinned against.May God renew us on our Lenten journey!
March 5 - Ash Wednesday
12 p.m. - Worship with Communion & Imposition of Ashes held in Fellowship Hall. Followed by a soup lunch.
7 p.m. - Worship with Communion & Imposition of Ashes. Featuring Holden Evening Prayer. Livestreamed.
March 12 - April 9
12:00noon - Lenten Worship held in Fellowship Hall. Followed by a soup lunch.
7:00pm - Lenten Worship featuring Holden Evening Prayer. Livestreamed.
Weekly Worship Schedule
March 5: Ash Wednesday, Isaiah 58:1-12
March 12: Remember & Regret, Luke 15:11-19a
March 19: Repent, Psalm 51
March 26: Relinquish, John 21:15-17
April 2: Renew, Luke 10:25-37
April 9: Repair, Luke 8:35-39
12:00noon - Worship
5:15pm – 6:00pm Wednesday Café soup supper (no soup lunch or dinner April 2 - spring break)
5:30pm - 8pm - Nursery Available
5:30pm – Holy Commotion
5:30pm – Cornerstone Youth Choir
6:00pm – 7:45pm – Confirmation
6:00pm – 6:50pm - Praise Ringers
6:00pm – 6:50pm – Adult Faith Formation
6:15pm – Ascension Choir
7:00pm - Worship will feature the beloved Holden Evening Prayer Service, and include a short message reflecting on our Lenten theme.
7:45pm – Reformation Choir & Servant Song
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Faith Resources for Children & Families:
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.