Immanuel Lutheran Events

Welcome Sunday Worship

September 08, 2024

Welcome Sunday All-Congregation Worship

September 8, 2024 9:00am

On Welcome Sunday we kick off our program year with one worship service under the big tent in our parking lot.  We will introduce our fall theme and enjoy music, stepping stone blessings, and more.


Donations for PROP

You're invited to bring donations of paper products, personal care items and/or food items that can be dropped in the PROP van. See the list of most needed items at PROP.


All-Are-Welcome Picnic

Following worship join us for an all-are-welcome picnic with hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, beans, and dessert.



Fall Theme:  "Be Still"

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

God is active in our lives in all situations, regardless of how we feel or respond.  Be still—rest and take time to be in God’s presence.  But also be sad.  Be silly.  Be grieving.  Be unusual.  God is present in all of these.

Sept 8:  Be Still and Know that I am God (Tent Sunday—theme kick-off).  In our busy, chaotic world, more than ever, we need to make time to be STILL and rest in God’s presence.

Sept 15:  Be Joyful and Know that I am God (in good times). When things are going well, often we don’t think we need God

Sept 22:  Be Sad and Know that I am God (in bad times).  When things are not going well we experience God’s presence in ways we may not realize.

Sept 29:  Be Bored and Know that I am God (in ordinary times).  Our culture treats boredom as something negative.  Do we invite god to be a part of the very ordinary times of our lives?

Oct 6:  Be Busy and Know that I am God (in our vocation).  Outside of the walls of Immanuel, how can we invite God to be a very important part of our work?



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Immanuel Lutheran Church © 2023

A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America