As a community of faith, we seek to support one another during all the ups and downs of life. When disruptions come up in your life, we want to know and are here to offer prayer and support in whatever way you need. For example, if you've received a new or difficult diagnosis, have a surgery coming up, a friend or loved one has passed away, or any other of life's challenges, we're here to support you and walk with you.
To help us better support you, we ask that you fill out the form below to keep our caring ministry team updated on any needs you, or your loved ones, might have.
This request will go directly to members of the Care Team: Pastor Paul, Pastor Dan, Deacon Savannah, and Parish Nurse Kari
Learn more about Grief Support, The Parish Nurse, Card Ministry and Meal Ministry.
Community Registry
Housing Justice
Caring Ministries
Cleanup Day - Fall
Cristo Obrero
Disciples’ Garden
Dresses for Africa
ELCA World Hunger
Loaves & Fishes
Humanity Alliance
Lutheran Social Services
Lutheran World Relief
Mobile Dental Clinic
Prayer Shawls & Quilts
Racial Justice
Refugee Circle of Welcome
Simpson Housing
Tech Teams
World Bicycle Relief
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.