Please choose the activity or volunteer opportunity you wish to sign-up for. The link will take you to a page with more information or directly to the registration form. If a registration is missing please email Kelly Meyers.
Tech Team (Email John for training first)
Sunday School (Preschool - Grade 4) God Squad (Grades 5 -6)
Confirmation (Grades 7-9) Confirmation (Grade 10) Confirmation Retreat (November 2024) Game Night (Oct. 12)
Gift of Stillness Retreat (Dec. 7) Wednesday Night Adult Education
Mayowood Tour (Register by Oct. 3rd) SALT (Senior Adults)
Piecemakers Quilters & Prayer Shawls Simpson House - Men Serve Lunch
Community Registry
Housing Justice
Caring Ministries
Cleanup Day - Fall
Cristo Obrero
Disciples’ Garden
Dresses for Africa
ELCA World Hunger
Loaves & Fishes
Humanity Alliance
Lutheran Social Services
Lutheran World Relief
Mobile Dental Clinic
Prayer Shawls & Quilts
Racial Justice
Refugee Circle of Welcome
Simpson Housing
Sunday Volunteers
Tech Teams
World Bicycle Relief
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.