Current Masking Protocol
We continue to encourage anyone to wear a mask who wishes to. If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, we ask that you stay home.
Children in Worship
Psalm 98:4 "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise."
At Immanuel we rejoice having children with us in worship!! Will they always be quiet and well behaved? No, but occasional noise and activity is an important part of the commitment we make at each child's baptism to support their caregivers in faith development and teaching about worship. Thanks be to God for this joyful noise!
We believe that God's gift is available for even our youngest family members and that infants and children of any age are welcome at the font:
- God initiates a relationship with us in baptism - we respond with lives of worship and service. We encourage families who are considering baptizing their infant to attend a Baptism Orientation scheduled through the church office.
- We also welcome children, youth and adults who have not been baptized to meet with a pastor before receiving this gift.
- The sacrament of baptism is offered on 2nd and 4th Sundays (non-Communion Sundays) and on Saturday evenings.
- Baptism Orientations are held quarterly. More information and sign up online at:
The Nursery (birth - three years old)
- The nursery will be open for children ages birth-3 on Wednesday nights, 5:30 - 8 p.m. and Sunday mornings, 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
- We are currently hiring a head nursery attendant! More...
- Parents can leave their cell phone number with the Nursery staff in the event that they need to be contacted.
- Volunteers in the nursery are welcome and needed each Sunday and Wednesday. Nursery volunteers can contact
Restrooms & Changing Tables
- Restrooms are located adjacent to the Sanctuary (east restrooms) and opposite the Fellowship Hall (west restrooms).
- All restrooms are equipped with Koala Kare changing tables.
- We have modified the Women's restroom on the Sanctuary side (east side) of our building to be an accessible, multi purpose restroom. With new signage, and a lock this restroom can now be a safe place for those that need additional assistance or space if needed.
Nursing Mother's Room
- A room dedicated for nursing mothers is available off the nursery.
- Enter through the nursery and make your way to the private Nursing Room and rocking chair!
- You'll be able to hear the worship service while you nurse your little one.
For additional information contact:
Grace Porter
Director of Children’s & Family Ministry
952-230-0356 (direct dial)
952-937-8123 ex. 56