
Everyone is Welcome!

You are welcome here!  You are welcome to share in God’s love and grace.  You are welcome no matter your race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, or relationship status.  You are welcome without regard to physical or mental health, addictions, past mistakes, or socio-economic circumstances, political opinions or anything that divides us.  We welcome you because our unity is in Christ.  All are welcome! No exceptions!

Who We Are

We believe in, worship, and follow Jesus

We believe in Jesus Christ. He has saved and redeemed us with his suffering, death, and resurrection to new life. He has done all this in love, so that we might be his own, live under him in his kingdom, and serve him.

We are a Lutheran church

Immanuel is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a Protestant denomination of Christianity which traces it’s roots back to Martin Luther’s reformation of the church and the belief that we are saved by grace through faith.

We are saved by grace

We are saved from sin and death by God’s gift of grace to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Our faithful and good works are not done to earn God’s grace but are offered in grateful response to God’s grace. Grace is God’s loving gift to us; faith is our grateful response. 

We are inspired and informed by the Bible

Lutherans believe the Bible is the unfolding story of God and humanity. We believe the story of God’s steadfast love and mercy in Jesus is the heart of what scripture has to say. God’s word, inspired by the Spirit, helps us to know God and to live in right relationship with our Lord and with each other.

We are renewed in worship

We need God and we need each other because God created us to live in community. Worship is our regular and intentional opportunity of attending to our relationships with God and with one another in Christ. As worship strengthens and nourishes us in faith and friendship, God then sends us out to help and care for our neighbor, our community, and our world.

We are called to care for and serve one another

The heart of faith is to love God and love one another. We strive to live out this love for one another in practical ways as we share gifts of friendship, support, and encouragement. This love becomes a tangible blessing as we serve one another, share what we are able, and strive to meet the needs of our neighbors, especially those who are in need.

We are committed to God’s call to work for justice

God hears the cries of all those who suffer injustice from poverty or prejudice. As servants of God we work for the common good of every member of society and are committed to addressing social and cultural injustices and issues related to race, sexuality, peace, equity, poverty, and environmental issues.

We are inclusive

All are welcome here. You are welcome to share in God’s love and grace. You are welcome no matter your race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity or relationship status, including all LGBTQIA+ people. We celebrate that you are created in God’s image. We support every child of God in living with dignity.

We are generous because God has been generous to us

We believe giving is a necessary part of faithful living. Our giving recognizes that all gifts we enjoy, our time, talents, and treasures, come from God. Giving is not just a grateful response, it is a faithful confession that our lives, including our finances, are in God’s hands. As a congregation we strive to exemplify faithful generosity by giving away over 18% of all offering to support other ministries in the world.

Our Vision

God is calling us to reach deeper into our congregation and further out into our community to better know and care for one another.

Our Mission

CELEBRATE that God is with us!

GROW as Christ works in us!

SERVE as the Spirit loves through us!

Our Values

Loving God and one another

Intentional faith development and expression

Active service in the community

Practicing transformative generosity

Our Strategic Pillars

Immanuel is moving forward intentionally planning for the future and has adopted Strategic Pillars.  Members of the congregation are invited to share their insight as we plan for the future.  Teams will be created to develop each of these pillars.

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