
Top 40 Bible Readings & Reflections

From the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of Revelation, these forty readings cover the basics of the biblical story. Hear the snake tempt Eve and Adam, and God’s call to Abraham. Watch the Israelites dance before the golden calf. Read about the giant Goliath and the powerful, but imperfect King David. Cross into the New Testament and listen to the angel announce Mary’s pregnancy and then Jesus’ birth. Follow Jesus as he teaches and performs miracles. See him as he goes to the cross and is resurrected. Finally, read how the Christian church was born and the early days of its existence. All this in the Top 40 Bible Readings: When you are done, you will have covered the high points of the biblical story and can engage more deeply in conversation and study. But remember, we don’t read the Bible just for the sake of reading the Bible. We read the Bible to encounter the living God and hear God’s word for our own lives.

Top 40 - Reflections on the texts