
Experience the joy of serving others

Simply select a volunteer activity below, select a date(s) and sign-up.




Sunday Morning Treats. Bring treats for serving during coffee time on Sundays
Greeters: Welcome people as they enter the building.
Sunday Coffee Server: Prepare and serve coffee and treats. Details.
Welcome Center Attendant: Be a welcoming presence and respond to people's questions
Parking Lot Attendants: Assisting and welcoming people as they arrive.






Bible Reader/Lector: Read the Bible in worship.
Communion Assistants: Assist the pastors in serving Holy Communion.
Flowers for Worship: Donate flowers for a worship service in honor of a person/event.
Healing Prayer Assistant: Assist the pastors with healing prayers.
Ushers: Welcome and usher people as they enter the sanctuary.
Video & Upload sermons.






Children's Ministry

Nursery Assistant: Assist in the nursery with young children.
Sunday School Gardener (lead a small group of children)
Workshop leader (teach 1 lesson in an area of your interest)
Hall Host (be a welcoming presence that meets, greets people)
Substitute teacher/leader
Lesson materials prep. for PreK, K & Workshop Leaders.

Contact cindy@immanuel.us for more information about Children's Ministry volunteer opportunities.