
Please choose the activity or volunteer opportunity you wish to sign-up for.  The link will take you to a page with more information or directly to the registration form.  If a registration is missing please email Kelly Meyers.







Purchase Altar flowers      

Altar Guild

Bible Reader/Lector

Coffee Servers

Communion Server


Healing Prayer Assistant

Music Ministry

Tech Team (Email John for training first)          
















Children's Ministry Volunteer

Family Camp (July 2025)

Parent's Night Out (Nov 16)

Sunday School (Preschool - Grade 4)

God Squad (Grades 5 -6)













Confirmation (Grades 7-9)

Confirmation (Grade 10)

Confirmation Retreat (November 2024)

Family Camp (July 2025)

Game Night (Oct. 12)















Monday Prayer & Praise

Gift of Stillness Retreat (Dec. 7)

Wednesday Night Adult Education

Wednesday Women's Bible Study









Faith Group Interest Form

Mayowood Tour (Register by Oct. 3rd)

SALT (Senior Adults)

Trunk or Treat

Volleyball League

Wednesday Cafe' servers

Women's Hiking Trip 

















Dresses for Africa

Grounds Clean-up

Habitat for Humanity 

Humanity Alliance

Justice Awareness

Piecemakers Quilters & Prayer Shawls

Salem North Minneapolis Meals

Simpson House - Men Serve Lunch