
Grades 9-12

Immanuel senior high youth are actively engaged in a wide variety of events, activities, service, music and leadership opportunities at Immanuel.

2013 - 2014 end of year video
featuring our graduating seniors

Students are engaged in meaningful ways - growing in faith and friendships.

Music Opportunities

Events, Activities & Trips

Summer Events

Student Leaders

Students in grades 10-12 receive Peer Ministry training to become Student Leaders and commit to serving God and others in the following ways:

Youth and Family Minister- Paul Erdmann: Paul received his Master of Arts degree from Luther Seminary in Youth and Family Ministry in 2005.  He is a graduate of North Dakota State University (2000) and spent two years working for Lutheran Volunteer Corp (2001-02 Seattle, 2002-03 Washington, DC).  Paul began work at Immanuel in 2003 and joined the staff full time in June of 2005.  Paul is married to Rev. Stephanie Coltvet Erdmann and they enjoy traveling, sailing, biking, hiking, volleyball, and gardening.