Group Spiritual Direction
“In group spiritual direction the goal is not to answer life’s questions. The goal is to draw closer to God in the midst of the questions.” Alyce Fryling
Pastor Susan and Diane Johnson will each be offering an opportunity for you to take part in a six-session Spiritual Direction group – one daytime, one evening. Groups of 4 – 6 will meet every other week for three months.
Spiritual direction may be for you...
- If you want to tend to your faith life in a deeper, more intentional way…
- If you sense that God is doing something new in your life…
- If you long to accompany others in their faith journey…
- If you are struggling to discern the presence of God in your world…
- If you are willing to make a disciplined commitment.
Each of our spiritual journeys are unique to us alone, but growth and blessings come when we share those journeys with one another.
Group Spiritual Direction may be new to you.
Here are some basics for you to know:
- The primary purpose of a spiritual direction group is to listen together for the movement of God’s Spirit in each other’s’ lives.
- Spiritual direction groups are usually made up of four to six people, including a trained facilitator.
- A typical gathering includes a period of silence to prepare, one or two people sharing from their own life experience, prayerful listening and Spirit-prompted questions from group, and a closing prayer.
- Each meeting is ninety minutes long.
- Confidentiality within the group is strictly honored.
- A commitment to attend each session is expected.
What a spiritual direction group is NOT:
- A Bible study
- A coffee klatch
- A support group
- An adult education class
- A therapy group
Groups will be facilitated by Pastor Susan or Diane Johnson (who is a trained and experienced spiritual director).
NOTE: Individual spiritual direction is available with Pastor Susan. Please contact Pastor Susan for more information:
Susan Weaver
952-230-0352 (direct dial)
952-937-8123 ex. 52