Children's Ministry
A great place for children and families to grow in faith and friendships.
- Sunday School: is offered for children up to 4th grade during two hours each Sunday morning (Sept. - May); 9 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
- God Squad: is our 5th & 6th grade pre-Confirmation experience for faith-growth, service and fun.
- Musical Opportunities: Sunday School, voice choirs and special music opportunities.
- Family Activities: Stepping Stones & Families First
- Children and Holy Communion: Children are welcome to receive Holy Communion at Immanuel. Read Children & Holy Communion for more information.
- Supporting Faith Habits in your Home: providing resources for strong faithful families.
- Opportunities to serve: Volunteers make a difference in the lives of children.
Please look around our website or read the summary Children's Ministry brochure. For more information contact:
Grace Porter
Director of Children’s & Family Ministry
952-230-0356 (direct dial)
952-937-8123 ex. 56